The Vicious Cycle of Unnecessary and Harmful Over Usage of Modern Medicines
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Owing to their easy availability, irrational use and an increased reliance on them, the concept of modern medicines have rendered the world of health sciences prone to a huge number of side effects. The bad news is that these side effects are usually long term in nature and adversely affect our overall health, and can even prove fatal in some cases.
Although the basic idea should be to figure out the underlying cause of the disease, the aim of modern medicines sometimes is mainly to 'cover up' the true problem. Quite often, and rather obviously, the problem tends to recur with time. Unfortunately, the dependence on such medicines has only increased with time, and their usage is often taken for granted. This is a very unhealthy trend. Although technologically they are more advanced than their traditional counterparts, it remains questionable just how practical and result oriented these modern medicines actually are. It has been many times brought to notice that the more a person uses such medicines, all the more he gets dependent on them. And this has also been acknowledged that these medicines often have serious side effects on body and damage the critical organs.
It is therefore; absolutely important for us to consult a doctor and not take OTC medication in case any medical issue arises. Whether it is a headache, running nose, sore throat, fever or acidity, self-medication should be avoided as far as possible. While looking for some useful home remedies is often not a bad idea, modern medicines should only and only be taken upon a good doctor's prescription. Some potent drugs such as pain killers, cough syrups, food poisoning, antibiotics, anti-allergies etc. are often found being used without a proper prescription of a medical practitioner. This, however, can lead to serious side effects, including allergy, drowsiness, stomach ulcers, addiction etc.
Although the overall concept of modern medicines is not all that ruthless, here are some suggestions that can avoid side effects for those following the modern medicines:
- As far as possible, try to adopt a healthy and a natural lifestyle. This sounds clichéd but actually goes a long way in avoiding the outbreak of a number of chronic diseases in the first place. For example - have lots of water, if you want to avoid the risk of someday suffering from a kidney disease. Consume less oily/processed food if you wish to keep a check on your cholesterol. Also, avoid smoking if you want your lungs to remain healthy and not run the risk of suffering from Asthma. These are just some simple, everyday tips that are obviously practical too.
- Sometimes, some ailments, even the chronic ones, can be cured by bringing some changes into your diet and lifestyle. Patience, however, is the key here. Discuss with your doctor and learn about how the dosage can be reduced over a period of time, by adopting a better diet and lifestyle that is apt for you. Sometimes, it is actually possible to reverse the damage.
- If you happen to be suffering from multiple diseases, and are consuming different kinds of medicines - make sure your doctor knows about all these medicines so he/she can tell you about the best combination, so that those medicines do not react with each other and cause further complications.
- Do NOT take any kind of complimentary medicines at your own will, along with those that have been prescribed by your doctor - without keeping your doctor in the loop.
- Looking up on the Internet for the problems and resorting to self-medication is a bad, bad idea. Just because everything about the problem you are suffering from is available on the Internet, do not get into the self-medication mode. Experimentation is never a good idea when it comes to medication.
- Take your medicines strictly as prescribed by your doctor. Also, once the problem subsides, do not simply discontinue the medication - take for its entire course, unless otherwise advised by the doctor.
- Taking medicines prescribed to someone else for some similar symptoms is another bad idea. Also, do not refer to any prescriptions from the past, if you happen to be suffering from a specific problem again. Letting your doctor know of the history of your medical condition is always a better idea, so he/she can connect the dots and offer better medical advice.
Whereas modern pharmaceutical medicines have obviously been medically tested for the 'curative powers' they hold, please understand that the natural form of medication is rather preventive in nature. It is a good idea to look for alternative options, those that are natural, organic and are easily received by our body - without any side effects. In China, it has been observed that more than half of its population has adopted a traditional system of medication. Ayurveda, the age old science of health and lifestyle, continues to offers some rather convincing and much successful options of natural treatment.