Life & Pursuits Blog

How to Ensure A Baby Care Routine That Is Close To Nature
Read moreParenting is a mixed bag for all new parents; they are bombarded with advice from all corners and are faced with a crisis of deciding what is righ...

Does your Baby Enjoy Oil Massage?
Read moreThe bond between my mommy and me is the most special one for me, as unlike my all other relationships, we had a head start of nine months. I can al...

To Buy or Not to Buy
Read moreCompanies catering to the industries as sensitive as food or cosmetics could be blatantly deceiving the customers and causing them major health con...

5 modern lifestyle causes of hair fall
Read moreAre you suffering from hair fall in your 20s and 30s? Blame your lifestyle. Know the causes of hair fall and the Ayurveda treatment that works.

Which Is The Best Oil For Baby Massage?
Read moreAre your looking for the safest, effective & the best oil for baby massage? Get your answers and learn what the authentic Ayurveda has to offer.

10 Magical Gifts from Nature for Hair Growth
Read moreHave you ever compared your hair with your mother's and felt that even at her age, her scalp is much fuller than yours? You are not alone.

Go Natural and Radiate Beauty From Within
Read moreReal beauty is something that cannot quite be achieved from the various products that we apply or the frequent visits that we make to those trendy...

Organic and Benefits of Organic Products
Read moreThe term “Organic” is a guarantee about how a product is grown and handled before it reaches the consumer after following a set of standards and p...

Role of Five Natural Elements on Human Life and Wellness
Read moreThis is universal veracity that the five nature elements viz. sky, air, fire, water and earth are the prime purpose of human existence. Our consti...

Yoga & Wellbeing
Read moreThe literal meaning of Yoga in Sanskrit is ‘union’. Whose union and with whom? The interpretations could be many, but the underlying ‘philosophy’ ...

Harmony between Mind, Body and Soul for Holistic Wellbeing
Read moreMankind is still far from understanding the relation among body, mind, and soul, and is essentially lost in ‘Maya’ – the unreal materialistic worl...

Criticality of Natural Products During Formative years of Children
Read moreSynthetic chemicals are present in most of the man-made products and have almost become a part of our daily lives. While some of them, when used p...